Ripples of Change

Harness Your Inner Dialogue for Personal Impact

Ever feel like you're too small to make a difference?

Live a life of purpose?

Have a meaningful impact on the world?

It’s an easy enough perspective to rationalize…

Who’s got the resources?

The connections?

The time?

The hutzpah?

There’s so much to have in place even to get started…

… or is there?

Imagine yourself standing before the vast expanse of the ocean.

You look down in your hand to the pebble you hold.

With a flick of your wrist, your tiny stone skips out across the water, creating ripples that travel far beyond the initial points of impact…

This is how change overwhelmingly and continually happens around you, regardless of the available resources, connections, time, or hutzpah… and illustrates how, by far, most innovative change begins.

It all begins with two essential abilities: focus and intention.

When precisely directed, small actions - like you skipping that pebble across the water - precipitate waves of change.

Understanding and harnessing this power is critical in understanding your ability to exert personal influence.

It's about recognizing that even the most seemingly insignificant action can echo far beyond its initial moment when fueled by a clear purpose and deliberate attention.

Focus: The Laser of Personal Influence

Focus is your ability to direct your attention and energy toward a specific goal or action.

It's like a laser beam, cutting through distractions and illuminating your path.

When you focus, you channel all your available resources—your time, energy, and creativity—toward your chosen target.

This concentrated effort can turn the simplest action into a powerful force for change.

At the same time, focus isn't just about intensity.

It also requires consistency.

Like a river that shapes the landscape through persistent flow, your ongoing focused efforts can carve out new paths of opportunity and influence.

Whether advocating for a cause you believe in, making choices in your relationships and actions, or contributing to your community, the key is to keep your focus steady, unwavering, and persistent.

Intention: The Compass of Your Actions

While focus is about where you direct your energy, intention is about your purpose… the guiding force that directs your focus.

When your actions are rooted in clear and positive intentions, they resonate more deeply and widely.

Intention acts as a compass, ensuring your focused efforts are robust and aligned with your values and the greater good.

The beauty of intention lies in its ability to transform ordinary actions into extraordinary ones.

A meal shared with someone in need, a kind word to a stranger, or a decision to recycle—when done to spread kindness, uplift others, or protect the environment—can have a profound impact.

Your intentions set the tone for your influence, infusing your actions with meaning and purpose.

Harnessing Focus and Intention for Greater Impact

So, how can you harness the power of focus and intention to unleash your influence and create greater impact?

It starts with mindfulness—being fully present and aware of your actions and their potential effects.

Mindfulness allows you to maintain your focus and continually realign your intentions with your broader goals.

Next, it's about setting clear, actionable goals that reflect your intentions.

Break down these goals into small, manageable actions, and direct your focus toward completing them.

Again, it’s like skipping pebbles across the water, one after another…

Each completed action, no matter how small, is a step towards your larger goal and a testament to your influence.

In a world that can all too often feel overwhelming and fraught with challenges, embracing the power of focus and intention is the place for you to return to time and again.

It's a reminder that you can create positive change, one focused, intentional action at a time.

Unleash your influence, and watch for how far your small actions ripple.


We have moments of doubt about where we're heading. Connect with what matters most to bring meaningful change into your life.

Eliminate nagging doubts about what's next for you

Understanding and Harnessing Inner Dialogue

In the theater of your mind, there's a continuous play, a narrative that shapes your reality, your actions, and inevitably, your influence on the world.

This is your inner dialogue: your conversations with yourself that can either empower you to act or shackle you in chains.

Understanding and harnessing this internal dialogue is not just about self-improvement; it's about becoming a catalyst for change, transforming your thoughts into decisive actions that resonate globally.

The Nature of Inner Dialogue

Your inner dialogue is the stream of thoughts, beliefs, and emotions driven by your experiences, environment, and deeply held beliefs about yourself, others, and the world at large.

For some, this internal conversation goes unnoticed... an undercurrent that subtly steers decisions and actions.

However, when you tune into your inner dialogue, you gain the power to shape and mold it into a force that drives you toward positive action.

Negative self-talk, a common feature in many inner dialogues, can be particularly debilitating.

It whispers tales of doubt, fear, and limitation.

"You can't make a difference," it says, "You're just one person."

But imagine transforming those whispers into empowering mantras.

Instead of "I can't," you start saying, "I will."

Instead of "It's impossible," you affirm, "I make the impossible possible."

This shift doesn't just change your inner narrative; it changes your entire approach to life and influence.

Engage Your Inner Dialogue for Greater Impact

To unlock your full potential as a change-maker, it’s vital to engage with your inner dialogue in a way that transforms it from a source of limitation to a springboard for impactful action.

Engaging with your inner dialogue for greater impact involves a delicate balance between actively questioning your negative thoughts and passively listening for the answers to emerge from within.

This process is not about forcefully crafting responses but about creating a space for deeper understanding to unfold naturally and positive change to emerge.

Questioning with Openness

Start by recognizing a limiting belief or negative thought, such as "My actions don’t really matter."

Approach this thought with openness, posing questions to it, as you would with a close friend, in a non-confrontational manner.

For instance, ask, "Why do you feel this way?" or "What experiences have led you to this belief?"

Your questions aren't demands for immediate answers but invitations to your inner-self for deeper self-exploration leading to recognition of specific needs.

Passive Listening for Answers

Between posing your questions, shift into a mode of passive listening.

This means stepping back and allowing responses to arise naturally from within rather than actively trying to answer the questions yourself.

It's akin to setting the stage and waiting for the actors to come forward when they're ready. If answers don’t arise immediately, you might find insights and answers emerge when you least expect them - during a quiet moment, a walk, or even in a dream.

Patience, appreciation, compassion… they all play a big part here…

And, if that sounds like a tall order, guess what?

This is you… practicing patience, appreciation, and compassion with yourself - just as you may sometimes wish others did :).

Shifting Focus to Desired Outcomes

Once you are clear on specific needs or problems at the root of your challenging belief or thought, gently steer your thoughts toward identifying your inner aspirations.

You might find that asking questions like, "What positive change do you wish to see?" and "How do you envision your role in this change?" gets things started in the right direction.

Here, again, practice passive listening.

Let your mind naturally gravitate towards solutions and outcomes that resonate with your deeply held values and goals.

This approach allows for a more authentic and personal understanding of what you truly desire to achieve.

Again, you are looking for specific, recognizable outcomes missing or absent from your current situation.

Identifying Actionable Steps

From this place of deeper understanding, extend your inner-self the invitation to consider a potential small first step you can take to get the ball rolling on reaching your desired outcomes. (insert sound of pebble skipping across water here)

Once you have your answers, this is where you transition from passive listening to active engagement, using the insights gained to inform your actions and choices.

Reinforcing Positive Self-Dialogue

As you move forward, continue to nurture a positive inner dialogue.

Remind yourself of the insights gained through this process and the value of its contributions.

Most importantly, remain open to learning from any challenges, allowing your inner dialogue to evolve into a supportive and encouraging guide and ally.

By engaging with your inner dialogue through a combination of active questioning and passive listening, you create a dynamic where self-awareness and insight can flourish.

This process transforms your inner dialogue from a source of limitation to a wellspring of empowerment, driving you towards actions that have a meaningful and positive impact.

Chances are, you’ll find that the most profound answers and insights often come not from conscious deliberation but from the quiet space of listening within.

Creating a Ripple Effect Through Empowered Dialogue

As your inner dialogue shifts, so does your external reality.

With a mindset geared towards possibility and positive action, you'll be more willing to take the small steps that lead to significant change.

Your words and actions will inspire those around you, creating a ripple effect.

As others pick up on your energy and message, they'll be more likely to act, amplifying the collective impact.

In short, understanding and harnessing your inner dialogue can be about more than creating personal peace; it can unlock your ability to influence those around you, those around them, and so on out into the world.

Developing Your Reach

The dialogue within you is not just a whisper in the wind; it's the sound of a skipping pebble that, given sustained focus and intention, can have the power to echo farther than you can imagine, inspiring and initiating change.

Sound far-fetched?

Consider Greta Thunberg, the Swedish teenager who started a solitary school strike that inspired millions to demand urgent climate action.

And Muhammad Yunus, whose pioneering concept of providing small loans to impoverished entrepreneurs blossomed into a movement empowering millions worldwide to build sustainable lives for themselves.

Are these people exceptional?


Chances are slim that anything you or I do will have nearly the same impact as what either Greta or Muhammad have accomplished.

Still, if you’d asked either what they thought they’d accomplish at the outset, I suspect they’d have both brushed the question aside.

Focus and intention.

Focus and intention… one pebble at a time.

So what can we possibly learn from their examples?

Here are a few candidates you might find useful to consider:

  • Start Small, Think Big: Each began with a simple, focused action or idea. There was no waiting for the perfect moment or resources; they started with what they had... where they were.

  • Persistence Pays Off: Facing obstacles and skepticism, they persisted. Their unwavering commitment turned small ripples into tidal waves of change.

  • Clarity of Vision: They precisely understood their goals and why they were important. This clarity fueled their actions and communicated their purpose to others.

  • Influence Through Inspiration: They inspired others to act by leading through example. Their influence extended far beyond their direct actions, creating a multiplier effect.

Curious for more?

The approaches in this article are examples of what you’ll find in the End Self-Sabotage virtual coaching program APPROPRIATE RELATIONSHIPS:

Strategies for Becoming a Change-Maker

Transforming into a pivotal change agent begins with recognizing how even minor actions contribute to more significant shifts in perspectives, expectations, and outcomes. It's about recognizing and leveraging your unique position to influence and steer the course of events in a more positive direction.

Here are some strategies to help you embrace this role and effectively become a change-maker in your family, circle of friends, community, and beyond:

Identify Your Sphere of Influence

  1. Reflect on Your Passions and Skills: What issues deeply resonate with you? Combine what you're passionate about with what you're good at. This intersection is where you can be most effective and fulfilled.

  2. Understand Your Reach: Recognize the networks and communities you're a part of. Your influence might extend to your family, friends, workplace, or online following. Understanding this reach helps you see where you can make the most impact.

Set Clear, Achievable Goals

  1. Start with Small, Focused Objectives: Break your broader vision into smaller, manageable tasks. This makes your aspirations more achievable and less daunting. Small wins keep you motivated and build momentum.

  2. Measure Your Impact: Set criteria for what success looks like. Whether it's the number of people you serve, the amount of waste you reduce, or another metric, having tangible goals helps track your progress and adjust your actions accordingly.

Cultivate a Growth Mindset

  1. Embrace Learning: View every experience as a learning opportunity. Whether you succeed or face setbacks, it’s all feedback offering something new to learn. This mindset keeps you resilient and adaptable.

  2. Seek Feedback and Collaborate: No one is an island. Collaborate with like-minded individuals, seek mentorship, and be open to feedback. Collective efforts often have a more substantial impact than solitary ones.

Becoming a change-maker isn't about being a superhero or single-handedly changing the world overnight.

It's about recognizing the power of your individual actions to influence larger situations and systems - and committing to using that power deliberately and persistently.

It’s about looking down at that pebble in your hand and giving it a toss.

Over and over again…